Orthogonality of IAT and GATA Results: The Worse, the Better?
social action theory, structural theory of attitude, dual process, dual system theory, reasoned action approach, theory of cultural evolution, graphical association test of attitude, DST, RAA, GATA, IATAbstract
In the previous article “Comparative Analysis of Implicit GATA and IAT Measures: Unity in Diversity” (No. 5 / 2023 of the journal “Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes”), the authors presented a rationale for theoretical relevance and described in detail the tools of the methodological experiment on assessing the convergent validity of the two methods for measuring implicit factors of social action, Graphical Association Test of Attitude (GATA) and Implicit Association Test (IAT). This study elaborates this work and is aimed, firstly, at checking the reproducibility of previously identified differences between the measurement results of these two methods, and secondly, at studying the connection of the detected differences with the characteristics of the GATA and its validity. The results show that differences in test scores are reproducible, but are explained not by “bad” but by “good” GATO performance: the authors show that GATO scores that are more inadequate in terms of internal validity are associated with greater similarity between them and IAT scores.
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