Bauman, or On Indifference. [Review of the books. "Moral Blindness: The Loss of Sensitivity in Liquid Modernity" by Bauman Z., Donskis L. "Liquid Evil. Living with Tina" by Bauman Z., Donskis L.]




Bauman, Donskis , liquid modernity, moral blindness, liquid evil, retrotopia, dialogue


The books under review are an analysis of different aspects related to the loss of sensitivity in liquid modernity deprived of any alternatives. The authors state that humanity is infected with moral blindness leading to a crisis in social relationships. Its origin lies in regular line-up of violence: evil is attacking on all fronts, and we do not pay attention to it any more. A striking paradox is that good news has less impact than the bad one, thus causing no emotionally-tinged response. Bauman and Donskis are skeptical about technologization in modern societies; they are more inclined to believe that social networks do not connect but rather disconnect people exposing them to constant panic attacks or mass hysteria. As moral blindness leads to loss of trust and increased individualization, then a way out might be, according to the authors, to establish a dialogue between members of our fragmented society.  

Acknowledgments. The study was funded by RFBR, project no. 19-011-00082 A “Rulemaking in Morality, Law and Religion”.

Author Biography

Sergey G. Ushkin, Scientific Center for Socio-Economic Monitoring of the Republic of Mordovia

  • Scientific Center for Socio-Economic Monitoring, Saransk, Russia
    • Cand. Sci. (Soc.), Leading Researcher, Social Processes Monitoring Department



How to Cite

Ushkin, S. G. (2019). Bauman, or On Indifference. [Review of the books. "Moral Blindness: The Loss of Sensitivity in Liquid Modernity" by Bauman Z., Donskis L. "Liquid Evil. Living with Tina" by Bauman Z., Donskis L.]. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (2).




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