Main Hopes and Concerns of the Public: Dynamics of Social Attitudes in the Society


  • Valeriy V. Fedorov VCIOM
  • Mikhail B. Bokov VCIOM


studying social moods in Russian society, social problems mirrored by the public opinion, benefits monetization, world economic crisis


The article based on the results of monitoring surveys of public opinion analyses the dynamics of social well-being of Russian population. The authors state that modern sociology has a large scientific arsenal for studying public mood, fears and social aspirations. That allows studying the dynamics of the public consciousness over long periods of time and eliciting laws of social development, response of the public to political and economic situation in the country and developments in domestic and foreign policies. The second problem posed by the authors is the level of interest of state bodies in conducting sociological research to study public mood and expectations.

Author Biographies

Valeriy V. Fedorov, VCIOM

  • VCIOM, Moscow, Russia
    • Director General

Mikhail B. Bokov, VCIOM

  • VCIOM, Moscow, Russia
    • Cand. Sci. (Philos.), Leading Analyst


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How to Cite

Fedorov, V. V., & Bokov, M. B. (2009). Main Hopes and Concerns of the Public: Dynamics of Social Attitudes in the Society. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (3), 4–24. Retrieved from

