Psychological Stresses in the Contemporary Russia: General Level, More Vulnerable Groups and Coping Strategies




psychological well-being, coping with stress, emotionally loaded consumption, population surveys, Russia


The study is aimed at investigating the Russian population’s psychological well-being level. We reveal more vulnerable groups exposed to moderate and strong psychological stress and examine the behavioral practices that help cope with stressful conditions. Data was collected from the online survey of 3,000 respondents in Spring 2024. OMI consumer online panel was used to address the Russian urban Internet audience aged 18 years and more. Apart from descriptive statistics, multinomial logistic regression is used to reveal predictors of the different levels of psychological stress. Then, we use binary logistic regression with coping strategies as dependent variables and the level of psychological stress as a significant explanatory variable.

Obtained findings show a relatively low level of psychological well-being, explicating that disposition to psychological stress is characteristic of females compared to males, younger people, low-income families, and respondents exposed to constant reading of disturbing news (doomscrolling). Deterioration of the family’s material well-being serves as one of the most influential predictors. As for coping with moderate and strong psychological stress, the respondents more often appeal to psychologists and psychotherapists, use antidepressants and sedatives, drink alcohol on a regular basis, and get involved in emotionally loaded consumption (impulsive and particularly compulsive). At the same time, their attempts to avoid the disturbing news tend to fail.

Acknowledgements. The study was conducted in the Laboratory for Studies in Economic Sociology at the HSE University in the project ‘Economic Behaviour of the Households’ and supported by the Program for Basic Research of the HSE University.

We thank T. A. Nestik and Z. V. Kotelnikova for their valuable comments on the manuscript of this paper.

Author Biography

Vadim V. Radaev, HSE University

  • HSE University, Moscow, Russia
    • Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor at the Department of Economic Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences
    • Head of the Laboratory for Studies in Economic Sociology


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How to Cite

Radaev, V. V. (2024). Psychological Stresses in the Contemporary Russia: General Level, More Vulnerable Groups and Coping Strategies. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (6), 52–74.

