Professional Identity of HR Manager as a Factor of Inclusive Hiring and Development of Women in Russian Companies




HR-manager’s professional identity, HR-manager’s individual characteristics, inclusion, stereotypes, neo-institutionalism, sense-making theory, employment of women


The study tests the hypothesis that the professional identity of an HR manager is associated with the proportion of women in the company and the presence of trackable indicators (KPI) for their hiring and promotion. Empirically and methodologically, the study is based on the results of the nationwide survey of HR-managers “Prospects for Inclusive Employment in Russian Companies and Factors Affecting Diversity Management in the Context of Global Challenges” (2021, N = 2050) conducted by the HSE Center for Interdisciplinary Research of Human Potential and multiple linear regression models. The interpretation of the results is based on the theory of sense-making by Weick and sociological neo-institutionalism as an approach to the analysis of organizations. The authors show that individual characteristics and professional identity of HR managers correlates with both the proportion of women in the company and the presence of the specific KPI indicators. The strongest predictor of changes in the proportion of women in a company is the HR manager's adherence to stereotypes about them. Formal institutions, such as company’s attitude to international norms and regulations for ensuring inclusion in a company, are more likely to create the prerequisites for an inclusive environment in general, but do not increase the proportion of women. At the same time, HR managers are more likely to bring women into the company, but less likely to systematically monitor women’s hiring and promotion practices. That is, formal institutions contribute to the inclusive agenda of a company, supporting its legitimacy, but do not become drivers of hiring women.

Acknowledgments. The study was carried out within a grant provided by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant agreement No. 075152022325).

The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to Christian Fröhlich for his significant contribution to the idea of this article.

Author Biographies

Viktoria K. Antonova, HSE University

  • HSE University, Moscow, Russia
    • Dr. Sci. (Soc.), PhD, Professor at the Department of General Sociology, School of Sociology
    • Leading Research Fellow at the International Laboratory for Social Integration Research

Marina Yu. Aleksandrova, HSE University

  • HSE University, Moscow, Russia
    • Lecturer at the Department of Sociological Research Methods, School of Sociology

Daria I. Prisyazhniuk, HSE University

  • HSE University, Moscow, Russia
    • Cand. Sci. (Soc.), Associate Professor at the Department of General Sociology, School of Sociology
    • Leading Research Fellow at the International Laboratory for Social Integration Research 

Tatiana A. Ryabichenko, HSE University

  • HSE University, Moscow, Russia
    • Cand. Sci. (Psych.), Associate Professor at the School of Psychology
    • Senior Research Fellow at the International Laboratory for Social Integration Research 


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* «Международное общественное движение ЛГБТ» признано Верховным судом РФ экстремистской организацией и запрещено.



How to Cite

Antonova В. К., Aleksandrova М. Ю., Prisyazhniuk Д. И., & Ryabichenko Т. А. (2024). Professional Identity of HR Manager as a Factor of Inclusive Hiring and Development of Women in Russian Companies. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (4).

