From the Sociology of Algorithms to Social Analytics of Artificial Sociality: Reflecting on the Cases of API and ChatGPT




artificial intelligence, artificial sociality, human-algorithm interdependence, ChatGPT, API, new social analytics


Building on understanding AI as a set of rules that simulates humans’ goal-oriented rational actions, this paper conceptualizes and offers a framework for analyzing two cases of currently developed technologies: API and ChatGPT. The authors probe the approach they introduced recently to parse out how these two cases shape the development of social sciences in studying human-machine interdependence. The authors formalize the problems that the technological advancement of API and ChatGPT generate for society. Specifically, the paper considers the impact of ChatGPT on education. They characterize the relationships between API and ChatGPT regarding online culture and human-algorithm interdependence advances. Questioning how and why ChatGPT is to be used in different societies and cultures, they argue that new social analytic needs to be developed to approach further questions coming to the fore with a new reality — artificial sociality.

Acknowledgments. The study was supported by RFBR and MOST, the research project No. 21-511-52002. The authors acknowledge valuable comments and recommendations provided by two anonymous reviewers of the paper's earlier draft.

Author Biographies

Andrey V. Rezaev, St Petersburg State University

  • St Petersburg State University, St Petersburg, Russia
    • Prof. Dr. habil., Director of International Research Laboratory TANDEM

Natalia D. Tregubova, St Petersburg State University

  • St Petersburg State University, St Petersburg, Russia
    • Сand. Sci. (Soc.), Associate Professor, Chair of Comparative Sociology


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How to Cite

Rezaev А. В. ., & Tregubova Н. Д. (2023). From the Sociology of Algorithms to Social Analytics of Artificial Sociality: Reflecting on the Cases of API and ChatGPT. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes (ISSN 2219-5467), (3).




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