Are weak social ties solid? Book Review: Centola D. (2022) How Behavior Spreads: The Science of Complex Contagions. Moscow: EKSMO. (In Russ.)




Damon Centola, Mark Granovetter , Stanley Milgram, solid ties, weak ties, social networks


The author reviews the book of the American sociologist Damon Centola, who proceeds from the principle of evidence and proposes to rethink the dominant approaches to considering solid and weak social ties. Centola points out that the explanation proposed by Mark Granovetter follows the logic of simple contagion and is focused solely on performing the functions of rapid information and response. For an idea or social innovation to take root, complex contagion is required, which relies on strong social ties, where participants are closely connected and thus create redundancy in communication. In intergroup interaction, it is not the geographical coverage of the network that becomes important but the number of bridges between representatives of different communities. Centola emphasizes that solid connections are becoming a cornerstone of network sociology and management sociology since productivity increases significantly in close-knit groups with developed contacts.

Acknowledgments. The article was prepared with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 22-78-00082).


Author Biography

Sergey G. Ushkin, Scientific Centre for Social and Economic Monitoring

  • Scientific Centre for Social and Economic Monitoring, Saransk, Russia
    • Sci. (Soc.), Leading Researcher at the Social Processes Monitoring Department
  • Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VCIOM), Moscow, Russia 
    • Research Manager


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How to Cite

Ushkin С. Г. (2023). Are weak social ties solid? Book Review: Centola D. (2022) How Behavior Spreads: The Science of Complex Contagions. Moscow: EKSMO. (In Russ.). Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (1).




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