Credit Behavior of Russian Citizens during the COVID-19 Pandemic
lending behavior, types of behavior, board of trust, population aging, public administration, behavioral cycleAbstract
In a period of large-scale challenges, lending plays a special role in maintaining macroeconomic stability. The Bank of Russia has the authority to develop lending and is interested in increasing the share of actors demonstrating an active type of credit behavior. The latter was especially relevant in the implementation of anti-crisis policy during the COVID-19 pandemic, involving the use of preferential lending instruments. The effectiveness of using these tools directly depends on the level of trust in loans and the type of lending behavior formed, which determines the actor's propensity to take out a loan in a crisis. This study aims to assess the factors influencing the formation of active lending behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. The subject of the study is the factors of lending behavior. The study is based on the results of the sociological survey "Financial Behavior of the Population of the Russian Federation" for 2020. By a binary regression, it was determined that the formation of an active type of lending behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic was influenced by the age of respondents, the level of trust of actors in financial organizations, and the level of personal assessment of financial literacy. In a similar crisis, the Bank of Russia should stimulate the growth of trust in the actors of the banking system, which can be implemented through the tools of state paternalism.
Acknowledgements. The article was prepared in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2022-325).
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