Career Expectations of the Elderly in Russia: Based on the Analysis of the Resumes’ Database from the Rostrud Portal "Work in Russia"




seniors, labor market, big data analysis, resumes, career expectations, job search online


The article presents the results of a comprehensive study of the career expectations of the elderly in Russians. The purpose of the study was to obtain a reasonable understanding of the demands of older people, the proportion of whom is steadily growing throughout the world, regarding the nature and mode of their desired employment. To get empirical estimates, the authors use an open database consisting of about 15 thousand resumes of elderly applicants posted on the Rostrud portal “Work in Russia”. For a comparative analysis with European countries, the authors bring on data on the employment of people over 65 years of age, retirement age, and the country’s place in the OECD Human Development Index (HDI) ranking. The study revealed, firstly, the predominance of the desire of older people to get a full-time paid job. Secondly, it is noted that older job seekers generally agree to salary levels below the national average, this is especially true in large cities. Thirdly, men are more willing to remain in the labor market compared to women. The results of a comparative analysis based on OECD materials indicate that there is no relationship between the HDI, retirement age, and employment level. At the same time, the growing prosperity of countries does not lead to older people stopping working. This suggests the importance of a more detailed analysis of the factors determining the development of the labor market for older people. The article may be useful to researchers focusing on aging and pension systems, as well as politicians and experts in social policy and employment policy.

Acknowledgements. The research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant No. 22-18-00461 “Delayed aging or late adulthood or in Russia: how digital development change the position of elderly in the era of COVID-19 and uncertainty” (

Author Biographies

Lyudmila A. Vidiasova, Sociological Institute RAS — a branch of FCTAS RAS

  • Sociological Institute RAS — a branch of FCTAS RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia
    • Cand. Sci. (Soc.), Senior Researcher     
  • ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
    • Head of Monitoring and Research Department, E-Governance Center, Institute of Design and Urban Studies

Irina A. Grigoryeva, Sociological Institute RAS — a branch of FCTAS RAS

  • Sociological Institute RAS — a branch of FCTAS RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia
    • Dr. Sci. (Soc.), Professor, Chief Researcher 

Aitalina S. Krivoshapkina, ITMO University

  •  ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
    • Student of Faculty of Infocommunication Technologies


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How to Cite

Vidiasova Л. А., Grigoryeva И. А., & Krivoshapkina А. С. (2024). Career Expectations of the Elderly in Russia: Based on the Analysis of the Resumes’ Database from the Rostrud Portal "Work in Russia". Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (1), 26—47.

