Perception of Economic Changes during the Special Military Operation in Russian Public Opinion




perception of the crisis, individual optimism, social optimism, indices, Russian public opinion, special military operation, Thomas theorem


To predict economic and political changes and measure changes in the life quality, it is important not only to objectively assess the economic situation in the country, but also to analyze its perception in the mass consciousness, since it is subjective assessments that affect business and everyday practices. To achieve this goal, the authors conducted a study consisting of three empirical parts: 1) the first stage of a telephone survey representing the population of Russia over 18 years old (end of February 2022); 2) four focus groups each consisting of six participants in the Samara region; 3) the second stage of a telephone survey representing the population of Russia over 18 years old (conducted in the first half of August 2022).

The study showed that respondents more often expect their own financial situation to worsen than to improve. Russians look to the future with anxiety, but their level of pessimism varies. Their own financial prospects seem to them, although not very optimistic, but still more prosperous than the financial prospects of most compatriots. A comparison of the two survey waves shows a decrease in the prevalence of negative forecasts from mass expectations of economic problems to a moderately stable prevalence of pessimism over optimism. Estimates of past and future changes are differentiated by the political position and the way information is consumed: supporters of the special military operation are less likely to note the deterioration of their own financial situation, while its opponents and VPN users are more pessimistic about the past and projected economic changes (both their own and in the country as a whole).

Author Biographies

Vladimir B. Zvonovsky, Samara State University of Economics

  • Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
    • Dr. Sci. (Soc.), Professor of the Department of Sociology and Psychology

Alexander V. Khodykin, Social Research Institute

  • Social Research Institute, Samara, Russia
    • Cand. Sci. (Soc.), Sociologist-analyst


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* Внесен в реестр иностранных агентов.



How to Cite

Zvonovsky В. Б., & Khodykin А. В. (2023). Perception of Economic Changes during the Special Military Operation in Russian Public Opinion. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (4).

