Financial and Instrumental Transfers in the Families of Elderly Respondents in Russia and Estonia: Are There Any Ethnocultural Differences?
financial transfers, instrumental transfers, ethno-cultural differences, elderly, population surveysAbstract
This paper analyzes the factors of exchanges of both financial (money in-cash or close equivalents) and instrumental transfers between the elderly respondents and other members of their extended families living together with elderly respondents or separately, as well as the determinants of the elderly respondents' care for their grandchildren.
The study bases on the data of the international SHARE study carried out in Russia in 2021 and regularly conducted in Estonia (the 2015 wave is used for this research). It uses binary logistic regression to analyze determinants of participation of respondents aged 50 years old and older in financial and instrumental transfers.
Building on previous studies and given data limitations, the authors of this paper expected to see significant ethnic differences in exchanges of financial resources rather than in instrumental transfers; in receiving financial resources — more than in sending them. The results of the study partially confirmed the hypotheses, revealing a weak and unstable influence of ethnicity on the involvement of older people in extended family exchanges. Only when other differences are adjusted (including education and particularly income), ethnicity other than the largest ethnic group in the country increases the chances of participating in the exchange (both sending and receiving) of financial transfers but has a weaker effect on the chances of participating in the exchange of instrumental transfers. The study shows no significant effect of ethnicity on taking care of grandchildren.
Acknowledgments. The study was performed under the «ERA.Net RUS plus» program (RUS_ST2019-423—LifeTraR). O. Sinyavskaya and T. Gudkova acknowledge RFBR, project number 20-511-76006 for the funding.
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