Personal Social Maturity among Determinants of Health-Saving Behavior
health-promoting behavior, personal maturity, locus of control, latent variables, multifactor regressionAbstract
The study deals with factors influencing the propensity of individual health preserving behavior. Empirically, it bases on data from a representative sociological survey conducted in the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2015 (N = 6264). To measure two latent variables — propensity to preserve health and locus of control, the authors use a two-parameter logit model (2PL) developed within the framework of the IRT theory. The influence of different groups of factors on the propensity to preserve health is studied using regression analysis.
The study employs an activity approach. It considers health-saving behavior as a process (1) taking place under certain conditions and requiring a certain set of resources (knowledge, time, money, etc.) for its implementation, (2) proceeding consciously, possible only in the presence of incentive motives and their relatively high subjective relevance and (3) being organized and systemic and therefore requiring the application of individual efforts to its planning and implementation. Thereby, the authors include six groups of factors in the analysis, namely: demographic, family, cultural and educational, socioeconomic, motivational, and social maturity indicators. The study shows that demographic factors make the greatest contribution to explaining the different levels of inclination of individuals to health-saving behavior, and the role of gender is especially prominent. In the group of factors characterizing social maturity, statistically significant effects on the propensity to save health are observed for uncertainty about the future (negative impact), the presence of a relatively long planning horizon and internal locus of control (positive impact). The results of the study might be useful for improving the state policy in the field of health saving.
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