Students, Ethnic Extremism and Xenophobia: From Diagnostics of the Problem to Ways of Overcoming


  • Stepan V. Lvov VCIOM


xenophobia, extremism, youth policy, ethnic stereotypes, labor migration


The article reviews the results of a large-scale social survey carried on in sixteen regions of Russia. There is a common view that the youth is influenced by the extremist ideology including nationalism and xenophobia. However, the study reveals that it is not true. The nature of the xenophobic mood is simple: uncontrolled migration and formation of local centers of alien cultures lead to negative attitudes towards representatives of other nations and races. The author proposes the actions to decrease the level of xenophobia and extremism.

Author Biography

Stepan V. Lvov, VCIOM

  • VCIOM, Moscow, Russia
    • Cand. Sci. (Soc.), Head of Political Research Department


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How to Cite

Lvov, S. V. (2009). Students, Ethnic Extremism and Xenophobia: From Diagnostics of the Problem to Ways of Overcoming. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (6), 182–192. Retrieved from

