Priorities of the Mass Media and the Public in Determining the Most Important Problems


  • Stepan V. Lvov VCIOM


mass communication, rating of social problems, content analysis


The comparison of data from mass surveys and content analysis of Russian media reveals the gap between public demand and mass media offer. Mass media covers problems which are not pressing for most of Russian; mass media do not raise issues vital for people. The information profile of mass media does not satisfy public demand which makes aloofness between public institutes and civil society.

Author Biography

Stepan V. Lvov, VCIOM

  • VCIOM, Moscow, Russia
    • Cand. Sci. (Soc.), Head of Political Research Department


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How to Cite

Lvov, S. V. (2009). Priorities of the Mass Media and the Public in Determining the Most Important Problems. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (5), 20–30. Retrieved from

