The Relationship Between Loneliness and Lifestyle in Old Age
loneliness, solitude, lifestyle, behavior patterns, older age, differential questionnaire for experiencing lonelinessAbstract
The phenomenon of solitude could be evaluated and examined within various theoretical approaches. This paper analyses subjective loneliness, defined as the subjective experience of loneliness (UCLA scale), and objective social isolation (living alone and infrequent personal contact). Conversely, the perception of either loneliness or solitude may determine the predisposition to reduce personal contacts or increase subjective experiences. As individuals age, they experience a gradual transition to a new life course stage, characterized by a shift in roles, a reduction in social contacts, and changes in lifestyle. The transition increases the risk of loneliness and underscores the importance of studying this population group.
The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between loneliness or social isolation and the lifestyle of the elderly population in Russia, as well as to identify the key predictors of loneliness and social isolation in this age group. Empirically, the study bases on the data from an online survey conducted on a representative sample of Russian citizens aged 20—74 years old with access to the Internet. The term old age is used in this paper to refer to the population aged 50—74 years old. To assess the relationship between loneliness and lifestyle, the authors estimate binary logistic regressions separately for social isolation and loneliness. Regarding lifestyle, the authors consider a set of leisure activities (physical, social, recreational, educational, and community activities) and psychological constructs that may influence the psychological and emotional state of the elderly, their preferences and attitudes towards loneliness (Anxiety and Depression Scale PHQ-4, Differential Questionnaire of Loneliness Experience DQLE-3k).
The analysis shows that subjective loneliness (feeling of loneliness), as opposed to social isolation, is associated with a greater need for communication and a lower predisposition to a positive perception of solitude. Regular participation in volunteer work or helping loved ones contributes to reducing the feeling of loneliness, as does participation in recreational activities. The results can be used to develop of targeted policies in the interests of the older generation and to promote the further development of active ageing programmes in Russia.
Acknowledgements. The article was prepared in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2022-325). The authors express their gratitude to O.V. Sinyavskaya for her recommendations on improving the research.
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