Judgments about the Acceptability of Abortion: Role of the Questions Order in the Survey Questionnaire and Influence of Other Factors





public opinion survey, abortion, artificial termination of pregnancy, split sample, values, quantitative surveys


The article analyses opinions on the acceptability of abortion under three proposed circumstances (at the will of the woman, in the presence of fetal abnormalities and in the presence of serious financial difficulties in the family). Empirically, the study bases on a representative all-Russian survey conducted by the Institute of Social Analysis and Forecasting of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) in 2023. 5,634 respondents under the age of 50 were selected for the analysis.

Using equal-probability split sampling, the author estimates the effect of a sequence of circumstances offered in a questionnaire on support for judgments of abortion acceptability when controlling for socio-demographic characteristics of respondents. Studying variation in the sequence of the medical and unconditional scenarios, the author shows that the proportion supporting both judgments ranges from 64% to 88%, while the proportion supporting neither range from 34% to 68%. The effect of the judgment order confirmed its statistical significance in the regression analysis. However, the order of the judgments did not affect the proportion of those who supported none, which favors the hypothesis of the relative stability of the conservative position.

Based on a review of theoretical and previous empirical work, the author confirms the high importance of value attitudes both for the formation of expectations of a particular choice and for making it. The empirical findings enrich our understanding of the ambivalence of public opinion regarding the acceptability of abortion and add to the debate on the relationship between reproductive choice and value orientations.

Acknowledgements. The article was written within the RANEPA state assignment research programme.

Author Biography

Alla O. Makarentseva, Russian Presidential Academy for National Economy and Public Administration

  • Russian Presidential Academy for National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia
    • Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Leading Research Fellow at "Institute of Social Analysis and Forecasting" Center, Institute of Applied Economic Research


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How to Cite

Makarentseva А. О. (2024). Judgments about the Acceptability of Abortion: Role of the Questions Order in the Survey Questionnaire and Influence of Other Factors. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (3), 67—87. https://doi.org/10.14515/monitoring.2024.3.2530