Environmental Discourse in Social Media: The Experience of Thematic Analysis
environmental discourse, social networks, thematic analysis, iEcology, conservation culturomics, digital footprintsAbstract
One of the most relevant areas in environmental research in recent years has been iEcology and ecological culturomics, a distinctive feature of which is the use of digital footprints of Internet users (search queries, posts and reactions on social networks, open-access videos, etc.) to study the interaction of humans and nature. Online data is used to study a wide range of issues from analyzing animal behavior in the natural environment to assessing ecosystem services.
The purpose of this study is to provide a thematic analysis of environmental discourse in social media. As an object of research, the authors chose communities in the social network VK of the city of Cherepovets. Their analysis allowed to identify 16 thematic blocks of ecological discourse, namely: garbage and landfills; air; clean-up; gardening and urban improvement activities; problems of urban improvement; natural fires; recycling and disposal of garbage; water and reservoirs; environmental projects; climatic anomalies; wild and homeless animals in cities; floods and flooding; poaching; recultivation of land resources; conservation and restoration of forests; hogweed. Studying user reactions (the number of likes, reposts, and comments) in relation to the selected thematic blocks, the authors determine that such topics as poaching, problems of urban improvement, and wild and homeless animals in cities have the greatest conflict potential.
Acknowledgements. The study was carried out with the support of the TSU Development Program (Priority-2030), project NU ONG.
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