“The Internet Is Where I Have a Fire”: Young People’s Attitudes Towards Online Practices and Their Context





Internet, attitudes towards the Internet, young users, everyday practices, Internet metaphors


The article presents the results of a study focused on attitude of young people aged 16 to 20 years old towards the Internet. The author notes that young people find themselves in a situation where the stages of expanding access have passed, and the Internet is gradually becoming part of an increasing number of social processes, — and analyzes situations of using the Internet and different attitudes towards it among young people.

The study is based on 34 in-depth semi-structured interviews collected in the Gzhel rural settlement in 2019 and in Moscow in 2021—2023. The material is structured based on three metaphors proposed by Annette Markham, namely: the Internet as a tool, the Internet as a space, and the Internet as a way of life. The use of the metaphors helps clarifying the meaning that users attach to the Internet. The metaphors of tool and space come from comparing the Internet to the real, physical world. The metaphor of the way of life captures an attitude towards the Internet where it is not identified as an isolated sphere. The author concludes that users only partially use the capabilities of the Internet, and young people define its meaning in the context of solving problems that seem to them the most important and relevant.

Acknowledgements. The part of the material of the article was collected within the project “Transformation of the media environment and practices of media consumption and media use in rural areas of Russia (case of rural agglomeration Gzhel of the Moscow region)”, supported by the Program of the Educational Innovation Foundation within the framework of the project “Rediscovering Russia”. In 2022, we started a new research project “Digitalization of Reading in the Context of Current Research and Educational Practices”, supported by the Media Institute of the HSE University. This project helped to gather the empirical base of this article and contributed to the development of the theoretical part of this study.

Author Biography

Evgeniya, HSE University

  • HSE University, Moscow, Russia
    • Cand. Sci. (Philol.), Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Petrova Е. В. (2024). “The Internet Is Where I Have a Fire”: Young People’s Attitudes Towards Online Practices and Their Context. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (2), 3–27. https://doi.org/10.14515/monitoring.2024.2.2456

