Russians during the Corona Crisis: How Has Life Changed outside the Megacities?
population, social well-being, level of life, socio-economic behaviour, socio-economic practices, COVID-19Abstract
The article examines changes in the life practices of the Russians living outside megacities during the year of the corona crisis. The estimates are based on data from a representative population survey conducted by the Institute of Social Analysis and Forecasting (RANEPA) in 2021. The exclusivity of changes in the external context during the period under study actualizes a special analysis aimed at identifying the scale, directionб and productivity of changes in the behavioral practices of mass groups of Russians. The author focuses on the acuteness of perception of crisis restrictions in the context of various aspects of life, increased involvement in online communications to solve work and personal problems, and the dynamics of well-being and living standards.
It is shown that most Russians have encountered changes in their habitual life practices, and for more than a quarter of the population these changes turned out to be extremely significant. The most acutely perceived difficulties are associated with restrictions on the availability of regularly consumed services, as well as problems caused by the forced transition to remote forms of work and education. Significant groups of Russians faced with the need to substantially adjust their leisure practices. After one year of the pandemic, about a quarter of Russians began to spend more time on the Internet than before. The decrease in the intensity of personal communication required social compensation, one of the most important forms of which was the use of online communication services. An important form of situational adaptation was a significant expansion of remote employment, which, however, from the point of view of efficiency and work comfort is characterized rather negatively. The decrease in consumer opportunities during the pandemic, which massively affected Russian households, is an important factor in changing lifestyles and reproducing consumer saving practices. In general, the study indicates high adaptive potential of the Russian population. However, the dynamics of social well-being in the context of the corona crisis are clearly negative.
Acknowledgements. The article was prepared within the state assignment of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
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