Coping Strategies of the Vologda Oblast Population: Sociological Research Experience




social stress, coping, coping strategies, social support, social groups


The study discusses strategies for coping with stress by the population of a particular region. The coping strategies are classified according to their direction, effectiveness, and domains of coping. Empirically, the study bases on the data from a sociological survey of the Vologda Oblast population (N = 1500). Strategies for overcoming, avoiding, and seeking social support are considered as the main groups of behavioral reactions to stress. The author of the study justifies the choice of D. Amirkhan’s Coping Strategy Indicator adapted by V.M. Yaltonsky and makes an attempt to update the methodology for public opinion polls in the region. Based on data on the frequency of getting into stressful situations for various groups of the population in 2018 and 2021, the author concludes that the stressfulness of the social situation in the region has increased. The study employs structural factor analysis to build a four-factor model of coping strategies on empirical data and proposes some methodological improvements.

The prevailing strategy for dealing with stress among the population of the Vologda Oblast is problem solving; then follows the strategy of seeking social support. Less often, the residents of the region indicate the use of a strategy of avoiding problems. The study reveals differences in the use of coping strategies by socio-demographic groups, with the most pronounced differentiation across income groups. Cluster analysis allows to determine three population groups differing in the use of coping strategies. The author concludes that in a stressful situation, actions related to the strategy of avoiding problems are implemented by about a third of the respondents.

Acknowledgements. The article is prepared in accordance with the state assignment for the Federal State Budgetary Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the topic of research no. FMGZ-2022-0013 «Social Reality: National Development and Regional Trends».

Author Biography

Elena O. Smoleva, Vologda Research Center RAS

  • Vologda Research Center RAS,Vologda, Russia

    • Senior Researcher


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How to Cite

Smoleva, . E. O. (2023). Coping Strategies of the Vologda Oblast Population: Sociological Research Experience. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (1).



Sociology of everyday life