Relationship between Teacher’s Characteristics and Academic Resilience among Students




academic resilience, measuring academic resilience, student academic performance, student social and economic situation and performance


The paper examines student resilience, i.e. resilience in students who, despite poor social and economic situation, demonstrate high academic performance. The authors attempted to study the relationship between school teachers and students, characteristics of a teacher related to his/her chances to build student resilience. The study is based on the longitudinal project titled “Trajectories in Education and Careers” which includes the results of a survey among students and teachers as part of TIMSS-2011 and PISA-2012. As the PISA 2012 focus was mathematical literacy, the resilience was measured in terms of scores in mathematics. Thus, the paper also considers the relationships between a student and a mathematics teacher. The authors used logistic regression with cluster-based correction as a method of statistical analysis. The results show that student-teacher relationships are an important predictor for student academic performance. However personal character of relationships impacts academic performance positively to a greater extent than the atmosphere in student-teacher relationships in general. What is important for a student in his/her relationship with a mathematics teacher is to understand what the teacher expects from him/her. Chances to be resilient is higher when teachers listen to students, treat them fairly and are always there to help. In addition, students from a gymnasium or a lyceum (vocational school) are more likely to become resilient than students from common schools. This may be caused by different school curriculum, specific atmosphere in lyceums and gymnasiums, as well as parents’ interest in children’s performance.

Acknowledgments. The study was part of HSE Basic Research Program (2020).  

Author Biographies

Elena V. Bykova, National Research University Higher School of Economics

  • National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
    • Graduate Student

Tatiana A. Chirkina , National Research University Higher School of Economics

  • National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
    • Junior Research Fellow at Laboratory for University Development



How to Cite

Bykova Е. В., & Chirkina Т. А. (2020). Relationship between Teacher’s Characteristics and Academic Resilience among Students. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (4).

