The Development of the Employment Sector Along the “Center-Periphery” Axis: The View of the Heads of Urban and Rural Settlements
employment sector, spatial transformations, center and periphery, in-depth interviews, urban and rural settlementsAbstract
The research is devoted to the features and problems of the development of the employment sector at the local level in the context of spatial transformations along the center-periphery axis. The Vologda Oblast is a typical representative of the Non-Chernozem region with its characteristic depopulation and compression of the developed space, acting as a model region. The information base is represented by the results of in-depth interviews with the heads of urban and rural settlements of the region. To analyze the development of the employment sector, a typology of settlements was carried out: regional centers, settlements of their surroundings, and regional periphery were identified. The results of the interviews confirmed the relationship between the socio-economic situation of the settlements, including their spatial location, and the development of the employment sector. As we move away from the regional centers, the range of economic activities narrows socio-economic well-being decreases, which inevitably affects the employment of the population, its migration activity, and, as a result, the population density of the territories. The common problems of employment development for all types of settlements are the suspension of the activities of small enterprises in the forestry industry and the reduction of their staff, a shortage of jobs, personnel “hunger”, technical restrictions on the development of remote forms of employment and the unpreparedness of the population for such a format of work. A reduction in the number of individual entrepreneurs and the self-employed has become an urgent challenge for the settlements surrounding the district centers and the regional periphery. The problems of employment of certain categories of the population, low wages, lack of social guarantees at private enterprises, low labor motivation of the population, the presence of additional barriers to the development of remote employment (insufficient number and aging of the population, outflow of youth) are specific for settlements of the regional periphery.
Acknowledgments. The research was carried out at the expense of the Russian Science Foundation, project no. 22-28-01986,
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