Publication Ethics

In the decision-making regarding publication of the submitted papers The Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes is guided by the recommendations and Elsevier guidelines.

The journal is also guided by the standards and principles of the International Sociological Association.

Conflict of interests / Financing

The authors are asked to disclose (in a covering letter or on the front page) any relationships with financial and industrial institutions that could lead to the conflict of interests related to the submitted paper. All financial sources as well as all places of work of the authors (including business units) should be listed in the reference on the front page.

Authors` rights and responsibilities

The authors have the right to full and scrupulous consideration of their manuscripts.

If the author does not agree with the results of the review, he/she has the right to single additional review.

The authors have the right for free peer review and free publication of their articles.

The author guarantees that the manuscript is original and does not contain plagiarism or inappropriate textual borrowing.

The authors are solely responsible for the selection and the validity of any information provided in the articles, citations, statistical and sociological data, etc.

The authors must notify about any errors that they may find in the manuscript after the publication.

Editors` rights and responsibilities

The journal uses mandatory double-blind review for any submitted papers. The period review is up to three weeks (in exceptional case the period can be extended to 14 days).

The editors guarantee that reviewers and authors do not have work-related relationships.

The editors must notify the authors about possible conflict of interests.

The editors do not reveal the names of the reviewers to the authors.

The editors guarantee science-based objective approach.

The editors adhere to the principle of confidentiality regarding the submitted manuscripts.

The editors guarantee that the article reviewers are competent professionals capable of being experts in their field.

The editors and editorial board (editorial council) members have no right to use parts or basic conclusions of the submitted articles in their own research or for personal gain. The use of such data is appropriate after the official publication of the article while meeting the reference style requirements.

The editors have no right to force the authors to cite articles previously published in the The Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes to improve scientometric indicators.

The opinion of the authors may not coincide with the position of the editorial.

The publication of the submitted papers is carried out according to priority as the thematic issue is completed. The editors reserve the right to determine the priority and time of the publication according to the issues being prepared.

The editors have the right not to enter into correspondence with the authors after the results of the final expertise have been presented to them.

The editors may refuse to publish the papers if the authors` manuscripts do not conform to the editorial guidelines.

Reviewers` rights and responsibilities

The article can be submitted for consideration if it conforms to the publication requirements available on the journal`s website.

The review process involves double-blind peer review (which means that the reviewer does not know the name of the author and the author does not know the names of the reviewers).

All reviewers must adhere to the publication ethics guidelines and act in an objective and unbiased manner.

The reviewers must notify the editors about possible conflict of interests.

The reviewers must maintain confidentiality and guarantee that any information concerning the submitted papers will not be disclosed.

The reviewers must assess the manuscript according to science-based criteria.

The reviewer may decline a review request for no reason.

The reviewer may ask to extend the review period to no more than 14 days.