International Editorial Council аnd Editorial Board Regulation

Journal Management Structure

The Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes is headed by the Editor-in-Chief representing the General Director of the VCIOM Company, the journal`s founder. The editor-in-chief takes final decisions concerning scientific and methodological issues as well as organisational assistance during the preparation of the journal for publication.

The journal has two collegial bodies – international editorial council and international editorial board.

The editor-in-chief, editorial council and editorial board are governed by the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” (No. 273-FZ of 29 December 2012), Federal Law “On Mass Media” (No. 142-FZ of 14 June 2011 with amendments of 2 July 2013 No. 185-FZ), Federal Law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Concerning the Protection of Intellectual Rights in Information Telecommunication Network” (No. 187-FZ of 2 July 2013), by the existing law of the Russian Federation, by the VCIOM statute and these regulations.

INTERNATIONAL EDITORIAL COUNCIL was established to ensure the high level of performance of the scientific journal and its promotion in Russian and international academic community.

The council`s activities aim to support scientific administrations and the journal itself. The journal`s tasks are:

  • to set strategic direction of journal`s development, recommendations for the editorial board concerning the organisation, extension and improvements in  journal`s  scientific and publishing activities;
  • to define top priorities and long-term plans for the journal; to elaborate proposals for special issues;
  • to analyse and collate the journal`s scientific and publishing activity; to make suggestions on  its development and improvements;
  • to provide high-quality information presented in the journal, to ensure participation in expert evaluation and review of papers;
  • to adopt and introduce amendments to the publication ethics policy, editorial policy and article review procedure;
  • to present the journal to the scientific community, universities, public bodies, non-governmental organisations, mass media and other institutions.

The editorial council structure is based on voluntary participation. The editorial council  comprises Russian and foreign scientists, heads of educational, academic and publishing institutions, international organisations as well as world-renowned public figures and state officials. The editorial council composition is approved by the editor-in-chief acting as the chairman.

The council`s structure allows creating field-specific editorial boards, in particular for special editions. The person responsible for certain field/special issue is chosen at the editorial council meeting and approved by the chairman.

Plenary meetings of the editorial council are convened as often as necessary but not less than once per year. The editorial council carries out its daily operations via e-mail, teleconferences, face-to-face and distant meetings.

The operations of the editorial council are coordinated by the publishing editor.

The basic documents of the editorial council include:  

  1. International editorial council and International editorial board regulation.
  2. Records of minutes of the editorial council meetings.
  3. Publication policy, Publication ethics, Peer review guidelines.
  4. Annual work plan.
  5. Annual report.
  6. Editorial council composition approved by the order of the General Director of VCIOM, journal`s founder.

EDITORIAL BOARD is a scientific advisory body that performs journal`s operations and comprises the leading scientists representing the founding company and other academic, research and educational institutions.

The activities of the editorial board are based on the professional independence principle[1].

The tasks of the editorial board are as follows:

  • to set strategic direction of journal`s development, its topics, priority issues taking into account recommendations and proposals of the editorial council ;
  • to determine content and style requirements;
  • to provide general assessment of the journal issues and recommendations for elimination of deficiencies that have been identified;
  • to process calls for articles and papers including academic translation and analytical reviews which are of extreme importance for the journal`s readers;
  • to conduct peer review of articles that fall within the scope of the journal, meet editorial standards and style; to reject the papers that do not conform to the journal`s standards;
  • to set up and maintain partnerships with single and corporate authors to extend the contacts according to the journal’s profile.

The basic documents of the editorial board include:

  1. International editorial council and International editorial board regulation.
  2. Publication policy, Publication ethics, Peer review guidelines.
  3. Records of minutes of the editorial board meetings.
  4. Annual work plan.
  5. Annual report.
  6. Editorial board composition approved by the order of the General Director of VCIOM, journal`s founder

[1] According to Part 1 of Article 19 of the Law of the Russian Federation On Mass Media assigning a special status of professional independence to the editorial board to protect it against the founder`s position