Editorial Office

Svetlana S. Birukova
Executive Editor
Svetlana S. Birukova
Candidate of sciences in Demography. Graduated from the Department of Economics, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov. While working for the Independent Institute for Social Policy (Moscow), she took part in the implementation of the national social and demographic survey within the scope of the international program Generation & Gender. Currently engaged in scientific research and expertise in the field of demographic and social policy at all stages of projects implementation: research design, data collection and analysis, publication, and presentation of results. Author of more than 40 scientific and expert publications. In 2016–2018 taught at the HSE University (Moscow). Presently teaches at the Department of Economics of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.
Anna M. Almakaeva
Scientific Editor
Anna M. Almakaeva

After completing her sociology degree at Samara State University, she successfully defended her PhD thesis titled "Subjective perception of the quality of life: theoretical and methodological aspects of analysis". She teaches at the Faculty of Social Sciences and works at the international Ronald F. Inglehart Laboratory for Comparative Social Research at the National Research University Higher School of Economics since 2013. Her areas of interest in science are subjective well-being, social capital, and human values.

Anna N. Kokoreva
Anna N. Kokoreva
Book publishing industry specialist. Graduated from Tumen State University with a degree in Publishing and Editing. Since 2010 has been working in scientific periodicals, mainly in the field of social sciences.
Olga A. Iakimova
Olga A. Iakimova
Candidate of science in Sociology. Graduated from the Department of Sociology of Ural Federal (former State) University (UrFU) in Yekaterinburg (Russia). Currently giving courses at UrFU in Theory of Communication (in Russian) and Qualitative & Quantitative Methods in Social Sciences (in English). A member of PONARS Eurasia, WAPOR, ESA and ISREV. As a researcher she has been investigating the dynamics of xenophobia in Russia and Western countries. Speaks English (C1) and French (B1).
Anton O. Solyaev
Anton O. Solyaev
Graduated from Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman, specializing in Spacecraft and Transfer Orbit Stage. Initially worked as an engineer, but later began to engage in self-education in the field of printing and web design, layout and markup of texts, as well as photography and image processing. At first, he created websites as a freelancer, but later fully concentrated only on printing layout. Has experience working with variable data, as well as creating XML templates and layout based on them.