Improving the quality of negotiation process in the social partnerships system in Russia




negotiations, leaders, social sphere, social partnership, quality, trade union, social dialogue


The article explores how to improve the negotiation process in the Russian social partnership system by improving a single negotiation campaign at a local level, i.e. at shop-floor level. The author employs a set of techniques; the major ones are online survey, content analysis and focus groups using the Likert scale. The article summarizes the experience concerning the introduction of a single negotiation campaign in the subjects of the Russian Federation and provides assessment of the existing mechanisms used to protect the interest of workers. The analysis of subjective and objective factors suggests that the desire of certain trade unions’ leaders to be independent largely hampers the effectiveness of a single negotiation campaign. The article highlights that there is a strong dependence between negotiation process and a subjective factor (leaders of trade unions). It is essential to inspire them to make comprehensive efforts in the framework of implementation of the negotiation campaign basic principles with a focus on a salary and minimum wage increase and a need to strengthen control both by trade unions and state bodies. The leaders of trade unions should gain additional skills: they need to obtain practical experience in negotiations and study legislative regulations. Simultaneously, they need to be supported by their team and the superior bodies. To make social partnership in the Russian Federation more effective and productive all these elements should be well balanced.

Author Biography

Maksim A. Malyshev, Lomonosov Moscow State University

  • Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
    • Cand. Sci. (Soc.), Associate Professor, Faculty of Public Administration



How to Cite

Malyshev М. А. (2019). Improving the quality of negotiation process in the social partnerships system in Russia . Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (2).

