Comparative analysis of social and political views of Russian and American youth




youth, sociopolitical views, Millennials, value system


The generation of adults aged 18 to 35 is gaining popularity in Russia and America. They are often referred to as Millennials or post-Millennials and have been greatly influenced by the computer boom and electronic gadgets, Internet and social media.  This digital environment has significantly changed their information consumption, interests, forms of communication with peers and the outside world. Teachers, psychologists and sociologists believe that their psychology and life values ​​have also changed, which brings them closer to their peers around the world than to the older generations in their country. If so, then we should expect changes in the nature of relations between countries (especially when these generations come to power) and a decline in conflict around the world, if new leaders are able to better understand each other sharing common values. The paper provides a comparative analysis of social and political views of younger generations in the United States and Russia. The analysis reveals both numerous common features of their social psychology and value system and differences inherited from the traditions of political culture in their countries, modes of socialization, and stereotypes of thinking.

Author Biography

Nikolay P. Popov, Institute for US and Canadian Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

  • Institute for US and Canadian Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
    • Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Leading Research Fellow



How to Cite

Popov Н. П. (2019). Comparative analysis of social and political views of Russian and American youth. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (1).