In Search of Balanced Internet Metrics of Scientific Activities: An Example of RG Score




ResearchGate, Rg Score, Web 2, indicators, altmetrics, web metrics, reform, neoliberalism, social network, scientific communication


The key objective of reforming the academic system in Russia is to increase its effectiveness, which requires revising the indicators of scientific activity. Transformation of scientific communication primarily defined by the development of communication technologies changing the forms of scientific interaction makes the process more complicated.  In this context, conventional bibliometric indicators are not sufficient as they only allow to measure research impact intertextually but not in its entirety. Today an “invisible college” becomes visible due to a number of online academic platforms providing opportunities to work with massive data arrays and various indices. The article analyzes RG Score – an indicator measuring the user activity in the largest academic social network Research Gate. The architecture of this online service enables studying and, partially, modeling alternative indicators. These indicators track not only research publications but also interactions of scholars. RG score cannot be used in administrative activity; however this type of altmetrics looks quite promising.

Author Biography

Georgii A. Nikolaenko, St Petersburg State University

  • St. Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
    • Post-graduate student, Faculty of Sociology
  • Saint Petersburg Branch of S.I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Natural Science and Technology RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia
    • Researcher, Department for the History of Evolutionary Theory and Environmental Sciences




How to Cite

Nikolaenko Г. А. (2019). In Search of Balanced Internet Metrics of Scientific Activities: An Example of RG Score. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (4).

