Foreign Policy Priorities of New Russia


  • Leontiy G. Byzov Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Science


foreign policy, USA, NATO, Russian-Georgian war, confrontation, power, German-Soviet Pact, German unification


The article is focused on the results of the study conducted by the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Science in the first half of 2009. The article states that the interest of Russians in foreign policy is at the average level, but higher than the interest towards domestic policy. The reason behind it is that one of the factors that contributed to the positive attitudes of Russians toward current political course is the achievements of the Putin epoch in the field of strengthening the role of Russia on the international arena. Even the increased level of confrontation in Russian foreign policy after the conflict with Georgia is perceived by Russians as a sign of strong policy and conformity with the national interests of Russia. According to Russians, one of the aims of the Russian foreign policy course is returning to the status of world power, which is influential and economically developed. All groups of the Russian society would like to see Russia as a strongest power.

Author Biography

Leontiy G. Byzov, Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Science

  • Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Science
    • Cand. Sci. (Econ.), senior researcher


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How to Cite

Byzov, L. G. (2009). Foreign Policy Priorities of New Russia. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (6), 37–62. Retrieved from

