Contemporary preconditions for the future of the Arctic labor resources




arctic labor resources, migration processes, value orientations, youth life plans, ‘area of risk’, migration dispositions of the population, Murmansk region


The unique geopolitical situation of the Russian Federation in the Arctic region and the growing interest of the authorities in the development of the Arctic territories and implementation of various Arctic projects determine the urgency of the problem to keep the population of the Russian Arctic and to provide this territory with sufficient workforce. Demographic estimates show that the population of the Russian Arctic regions has decreased. At the same time, compared to other Arctic states, the share of the population permanently residing in the North and Far North of Russia always prevailed during the economic development of these regions up until early 1990s. According to some expert estimates, the Russian Arctic region will experience a workforce shortage by 2018. The study is based on the data obtained during a demographic study in the Murmansk region. The Murmansk region was selected as being the most urbanized region of the Russian Arctic with a developed system of settlements, large urban localities and relatively high population density. However, in comparison with other Arctic regions, the migration outflow, especially youth migration, in the Murmansk region is the most intense. High youth migration rates are not only dependant on the group specificity (youth mobility), but some peculiarities of socialization and self-realization in the region. The results of sociological studies devoted to the conditions and quality of life of the Murmansk region inhabitants and conducted from 2008 till 2016 reveal some ‘critical points’ in the assessments of various aspects of life in the region provided by the population including young people. Stable migration moods and plans were identified in a group of young residents of the region.



How to Cite

Ivanova М. В., & Klyukina Э. С. (2017). Contemporary preconditions for the future of the Arctic labor resources. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (6), 180.

