A Human as a Subject of Polymotivation. Book Review: Ovcharova L. N., Anikin V. A., Sorokin P. S. (eds.) (2023) Human Potential: Modern Interpretations and Research Results. Moscow: VCIOM





human potential, agency, value-based activities, uncertainty, human-centrism, interdisciplinarity


The article reviews the collective monograph  «Human Potential: Modern Interpretations and Research Results», published by VCIOM in 2023. The relevance of the monograph under review is justified, firstly, by the shortage of high-quality theoretical works devoted to human potential, and secondly, by the practical need to overcome the crisis trends of recent years, to search for new approaches in the economic, social, and cultural spheres, allowing for a richer, more productive and meaningful life. The review is divided into two parts. The first part examines the most important ideas promoted by the authors of the monograph, such as the need to shift from the paradigm of human capital to the paradigm of human potential; development of human-centricity; analysis of not only the static but also the dynamic aspect of human potential; the importance of individual agency and independence in realizing human capabilities. The second part of the review briefly outlines the essence of each of the chapters included into the monograph and emphasizes the value of the interdisciplinary approach implemented by the team of its authors.


Author Biography

Aleksandr G. Asmolov, Academy of Human Potential Development of Sberbank Corporate University

  • Academy of Human Potential Development of Sberbank Corporate University, Moscow, Russia
    • Dr. Sci. (Psychol.), Scientific Director
  • Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
    • Head of the Department of Personality Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology 
  • The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), Moscow, Russia
    • Director of the School of Anthropology of the Future


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Ovcharova L. N., Anikin V. A., Sorokin P. S. (eds.) (2023) Human Potential: Modern Interpretations and Research Results. Moscow: VCIOM.



How to Cite

Asmolov А. Г. (2024). A Human as a Subject of Polymotivation. Book Review: Ovcharova L. N., Anikin V. A., Sorokin P. S. (eds.) (2023) Human Potential: Modern Interpretations and Research Results. Moscow: VCIOM. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (2), 277–286. https://doi.org/10.14515/monitoring.2024.2.2598

