Service Provider Registries in the Social Sector as Tools for the Competitive Selection of Providers
government social contracting, registry of service providers, consumer choice, social service providers, social servicesAbstract
The article presents the results of a study on the role of service provider registries in the social sector in ensuring competitive selection of providers within the framework of the experiment on the implementation of government social contracting. The experiment’s objectives are to improve the quality and accessibility of social services for citizens by involving non-governmental providers, including through direct citizen participation in their selection. Under the conditions of the experiment, citizens can only choose providers from registries of service providers, which are formed by the authorized bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This condition makes the registries a mandatory tool for selecting providers and suggests that, to some extent, they should disclose information about the services and providers to citizens. Based on this assumption, the research question was formulated: do the existing registries provide citizens with a competitive selection of providers, and do the authorized bodies see such a role for the registries? In the article, competitive selection refers to the process of finding a suitable provider based on the ability to evaluate and compare information about services and providers. The focus on the perspectives of authorized bodies is due to their key role in defining the objectives for creating the registries. To answer the research question, three tasks were undertaken: 1) an assessment of how well the registries disclose the necessary information about services and providers from the perspective of consumer rights; 2) an examination of the formats in which the registries are made available to users online, as well as the presence of tools for searching and comparing services and providers; 3) a summary of the experiences of using the registries, based on semi-structured interviews with representatives of authorized bodies, including the objectives they pursued when creating the registries. The theoretical basis of the study is the principles of information disclosure for consumers outlined within the concept of “soft” regulation of citizen behavior, as well as research examining the role of such registries in provider selection. The conclusion is that the existing registries do not provide citizens with the ability to compare services and evaluate providers. This is because the authorized bodies did not set such a goal when creating the registries. The registries are mainly used for recording providers authorized to participate in government social contracting. However, the authorized bodies do not rule out the possibility of using the registries as tools for selecting providers if tasked with such a goal.
Acknowledgments. The study was commissioned by the Faculty of Social Sciences of HSE University (within the framework of the project “Register of Performers of Services in the Social Sphere as a Tool for the Implementation of the State Social Order”).
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