The System of Long-term care in the Representations and Assessments of Students and Recipients of Services in the Form of Social Services Home in the Volgograd region




long-term care system, student youth, recipients of services, awareness, assessment, quality of service, Volgograd region


The study considers the organization of the long-term care system (LTC) in the Volgograd region and aims at estimating the awareness of students and services recipients about the long-term care system and measuring the opinion of older people about the quality of service provision in their region. The assessment of the general awareness about the long-term care system is based on the results of two population surveys. To determine the opinions of young people about the implementation of the LTC in the Volgograd region and their ideas about the capabilities of the LTC subjects, the author carried out a survey of university students based on a multi-stage sampling procedure. To identify the opinions of older people on the quality of home-based services using the “Personal Assistant” and “Care Assistant” technologies, the author used data coming from a continuous survey of citizens receiving services from social service centers in the Volgograd region.

According to the results of the study, students in the Volgograd region positively assess various aspects of the long-term care system but are poorly informed about the implementation of activities included in it. The overwhelming majority of the surveyed clients of the LTC system are satisfied with the quality, availability, and timeliness of the services provided. All respondents, without exception, comply with the list of social services established by the contract. In their opinion, home-based social services are the most acceptable form of service for citizens in need of long-term help. Based on the results of the study, the author concludes that it is necessary to update communication tools for promoting long-term care practices in the region.

Acknowledgments. The author thanks the Social Protection Committee of the Volgograd region for assistance in conducting a sociological survey, and for sending letters with information about the questionnaire to the heads of social service centers, which were directly involved in the creation of a long-term care system for the elderly and disabled.

Author Biography

Natalia A. Skobelina, Volgograd State University

  • Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia
    • Dr. Sci. (Soc.), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work


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How to Cite

Skobelina Н. А. (2024). The System of Long-term care in the Representations and Assessments of Students and Recipients of Services in the Form of Social Services Home in the Volgograd region. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes (ISSN 2219-5467), (1), 115—136.

