Using the Method of Incomplete Sentences in Studying the Images of the “Hero” and “Anti-Hero” of Our Time




hero of our time, antihero, method of incomplete sentences, pyramid of generalizations, types of heroes, types of antiheroes


The article describes the results of an experiment on using the method of incomplete sentences in studying the issues of heroism among high school students. Based on a large amount of empirical material (questionnaires of more than 10 thousand schoolchildren in the Leningrad region), the author analyzes the communicative and cognitive adequacy of using incomplete sentences, considers the specifics of the administrative context of the sample and its impact on the data, paying special attention to the quality of the data obtained. The author provides the structure of the concepts “hero of our time” and “antihero of our time” in the ideas of schoolchildren, the pyramid of generalizations, and proposes a typology of heroes and antiheroes, formed on the basis of the main semantic characteristics identified in the process of analyzing empirical data. The proposed types are primarily based on the social function of the hero and antihero of the time. Based on the analysis, the author concludes that an incomplete sentence is a working tool for determining the structure of a concept, which makes it possible to obtain meaningful material with an acceptable number of irrelevant answers.

Acknowledgments. The author thanks Maxim Pavlov for his critical view and valuable comments on the manuscript of this article.

Author Biography

Maria N. Zheliznyk, St. Petersburg State University

  • St. Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
    • Graduate Student
  • Autonomous Non-profit Organization “Dialog Regions”, Saint Petersburg, Russia

    •  Senior Specialist of Leningrad Region Department


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How to Cite

Zheliznyk М. Н. (2024). Using the Method of Incomplete Sentences in Studying the Images of the “Hero” and “Anti-Hero” of Our Time. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (1), 257—275.

