Latent Factors Influencing the Views of Residents of Small Towns and Villages on Healthcare System
patient satisfaction, quality assessment of medical care, rural healthcare, views on healthcareAbstract
The article discusses the circumstances that form the semantic background for citizens’ rational judgments about the quality of medical care and the healthcare system in general. This topic may be interesting in the context of the broader issue of the factors influencing patient satisfaction and public opinion about health care, and it resonates with methodological discussions about the possibilities of measuring these opinions.
We used the data from an empirical study of the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on medical providers in small towns and rural areas of two regions of Russia (2022). Our analysis is based on semi-structured interviews and informal conversations with residents of settlements served by district and central district hospitals and their rural structural units (outpatient clinics, feldsher stations). From the informants’ personal experiences of interaction with medical providers and the reasoning behind their reviews of local doctors we identified circumstances that may influence direct assessments of satisfaction and trust, usually measured in standardized surveys.
We focused on those factors that are difficult to identify and take into account in quantitative research, in contrast to the socio-demographic characteristics of respondents and the specifics of medical providers.
Among them are memorable personal experiences, knowledge about healthcare system, skills in the field of information and communication technologies, the perception of medical worker as a stranger or a native in local community, communications with health care professionals, the general attitude towards the state, and the attitude towards one’s own body and health. These findings confirm doubts about the reliability of using patient opinion measurements in management practice for assessing the state or dynamics of the healthcare system and developing public policy.
Acknowledgments. The authors thank the two HSE University expedition members who participated in the fieldwork and collected the materials used in this article.
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