Not the Abolition of Traditions but an Addition. How Following Technological Progress Changes the Composition and Practices of Journalistic Editorial Offices. Book Review: Kosterich A. News Nerds: Institutional Change in Journalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022




professionalism, journalism, professional standards, technologies, research methods


Technological progress has not changed the essence of the journalistic profession but has become the basis for its institutional expansion. This is the conclusion reached by the author of the book “News Nerds: Institutional Change in Journalism”  Ellie Kosterich. She describes the employees of modern professional editorial offices working at the intersection of journalism and technology and how they change their profession. The review presents the principal issues raised by the researcher, describes the methodology of her research, and provides key conclusions.

Author Biography

Aleksandra I. Litvinova, European University at St. Petersburg

  • European University at St. Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia
    • Master Student in Sociology 


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How to Cite

Litvinova А. И. (2023). Not the Abolition of Traditions but an Addition. How Following Technological Progress Changes the Composition and Practices of Journalistic Editorial Offices. Book Review: Kosterich A. News Nerds: Institutional Change in Journalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (2).