An Assessing the Quality of the Cause-Specific Mortality Statistics in Russian Regions
quality of mortality statistics, coding of deaths, demographic statistics, homicides, self-harm, injuries of undetermined intent, mortality from diseases of the circulatory system, senility, unspecified causes of death, garbage causes of deathAbstract
The high mortality rate from unspecified causes significantly distorts the overall mortality structure. Therefore, the analysis of the quality of accounting for causes of death is an integral part of the demographic analysis of mortality by causes. The aim of the work is to assess the quality of mortality statistics in Russian regions.
The authors of the paper calculate the share of standardized mortality rates from various unspecified causes of death in the structure of the overall mortality rate according to Russian Fertility and Mortality Database. Based on this, the authors build the quality index of mortality statistics as a geometric mean from the quality index of mortality statistics from external causes, the quality index of mortality statistics from diseases of the circulatory system, and the quality index of mortality statistics from other causes.
In Russia, there is a significant regional differentiation in the practice of coding causes of death, including those from unspecified causes. The variability of statistics quality indices points out that the structure of mortality in Russian regions has not settled down. It reflects regional ideas about the acceptable level of manipulation in statistics aimed at reducing the mortality rate from alcohol poisoning, homicides, self-harm, cardiovascular diseases, etc. In 2019—2021, the Sakhalin oblast had the lowest level of mortality statistics quality due to the high contribution of unspecified external causes. The indicators were also low in most other regions of the Far East, Western Siberia, Southern Russia, and the North Caucasian republics. The best quality of statistics was observed in the Penza region and in the regions of the North-West, the Urals, and Southern Siberia.
The proposed indices of the quality of mortality statistics lead to more objective assessment of the regional dynamics of mortality and can serve as one of the arguments in its interpretation. To obtain reliable and comparable statistics, it is necessary to improve the quality of the entire process of its formation, from the diagnosis of causes of death, coding, and processing to publication.
Acknowledgments. This study is an output of a research project implemented as part of the Basic Research Program at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University).
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