The Transition to Parenthood in the Perspective of Spousal Relations: The Case of Interviews with Young Parents




spousal relationship, parenthood, spouses, transition to parenthood, perception of childbearing


The article focuses on how spouses who have recently become parents comprehend the transition to parenthood in spousal relations. The study is based on the analysis of in-depth interviews with spouses. Interviews with each of the spouses were conducted twice, with an interval of 1-2 years; the marriage duration was up to 6 years; at the time of the second interview, the informants had 1-2 children. Interviews with eight couples (32 interviews) were analyzed. The analysis shows that the appearance of a child is followed by a rethinking of several aspects of spousal relations: involvement in motherhood or fatherhood; transformation of individual ideas about family life; reassessment of relationships in a couple, perception of a child as a “miracle”, “fruit of love”, “continuation of the family”. Reassessment of relationships in a couple includes the following components: the realization that “you work as a team with your husband”; the child as a “third” broadening relationship; the significance of “switching” opportunities for individual spending time and joint enjoyable family pastime. Thus, the transition to parenthood for family relationships is not only a period of risks and difficulties but also and an opportunity for individuals and families to rethink, developing skills for finding compromises, mutual assistance and support. The conclusion outlines topics for further investigation.

Acknowledgments. The article is part of the “Awareness of Family Life by Young Couples. Conceptualization and Operationalization of Categories Related to Communion in Marriage” project supported by Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University and the Active Tradition Foundation in 2021—2023.

Author Biography

Maria A. Goleva, St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University

  • Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University, Moscow, Russia
    • Junior Researcher at the “Sociology of Religion” Research Laboratory


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How to Cite

Goleva М. А. (2023). The Transition to Parenthood in the Perspective of Spousal Relations: The Case of Interviews with Young Parents. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (2).