Family Care: Work Cannot Care?




family care, informal caregiving, employment, elderly, caregivers, long-term care


The primary purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between involvement in family care and employment in the labor market in Russia. In addition, we pay attention to the extent to which Russians are involved in family care, the identification of caregivers’ socio-demographic characteristics, and the caregivers’ satisfaction with various aspects of their lives. The study is based on data from the Comprehensive Observation of Population Living Conditions of the Population 2020 (KOUZH -2020) and the Study of Demographic Processes in the Republic of Tatarstan, which was conducted in 2020. KOUZH-2020 includes 60,000 households and is representative for the Russian population. The sample of the Study of Demographic Processes in the Republic of Tatarstan includes 4013 respondents. The analysis was carried out using logistic regression and descriptive statistics methods. Our analysis showed that, on the one hand, the vast majority of caregivers are employed in the labor market. At the same time, the higher the intensity of the burden of related care, the less often donors participate in labor activities. Almost every fifth unemployed caregiver notes that his family has enough money only for food and utility bills. At the same time, on average, those who are included in family care receive less income from employment than those who do not care for relatives. Caregivers are less satisfied with their family’s financial situation, health, and life compared to those who do not provide family care. Сaregivers more often report that their qualifications and skills are suitable for more complex work. As for unemployed caregivers, there is a pronounced bias in favor of women and older people with a relatively lower level of education. 

Acknowledgements. The study was carried out within the Basic Research Program at HSE University. The author thanks Oksana Sinyavskaya for recommendations on improving the presented research.

Author Biography

Anna A. Mironova, HSE University

  • HSE Universitys, Moscow, Russia
    • Cand. Sci. (Soc.), Researcher at the Institute for Social Policy     


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How to Cite

Mironova А. А. (2023). Family Care: Work Cannot Care?. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (2).