Health, Income, Age: Empirical Analysis of Health Inequality in Russia
health, income, health gradient, health inequality, adultsAbstract
The study examines the connection between health and wealth indicators among Russian adults. Using regression analysis, the authors test hypotheses on income gradient in health changes over the life cycle. Furthermore, they validate the mechanisms underlying the relationship between health and income. The study bases on the microdata from the Rosstat Population Health Survey. To measure the state of individual health, the authors use self-assessment on a 100-point scale and the presence of chronic diseases; the measurement of income is based on the self-reported subjective well-being of a household.
The study shows that income has a significant impact on health. When controlled for all other factors, the health of individuals from high-income groups is better, and the health of individuals from low-income groups is worse compared to middle-income population. As people age, the relationship between health and income becomes stronger. This relationship changes in the oldest groups, where the income gradient stops growing. This can be attributed to selective mortality, the peculiarities of the Russian pension system, and social support for the elderly and disabled.
The results of the study suggest two mechanisms linking income and health. First, higher-income groups are less likely to suffer from chronic diseases. Second, high incomes enable people to better cope with emerging health problems, providing better health in the presence of chronic diseases. Low incomes, on the contrary, are associated with higher risks of chronic diseases and worse well-being of chronic patients.
These findings indicate high vulnerability of low-income groups lacking health potential necessary to enhance their living standards. By putting low-income individuals at the center of social policy, the state can reduce risks of both income and health poverty traps.
Acknowledgments. The article was prepared in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2022-326).
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