Feminist Wave in South Korean Women’s Cinema





feminist wave, South Korean cinematography, representation of gender inequality, women directors


The article is devoted to a sociological analysis of the representation of gender inequality in the films of female directors Yoon Ga-eun, Jeon Go-woon, Kim Bo-ra, and Kim Do-young. The democratization of social life in the Republic of Korea has led to the inclusion of women directors in cinematographic processes. Women filmmakers born in the 1980s focused on representing gender relations through a feminist lens rather than the stereotypes and cultural standards still prevalent in South Korea. The films of these directors formed a modern feminist wave in South Korean cinema. In the films analyzed, the directors address the issues of the socialization of girls, the ingrained practice of preference for sons, gender inequality in the family and society, and the self-determination of women in society. The theoretical framework of the study was feminist concepts in film study and cultural studies in sociology. The article shows that female directors of the feminist wave leave open the question of the future of gender inequality in South Korean society, outlining conflicting perspectives.

Author Biography

Rumiya K. Tangalycheva, St. Petersburg University

  • St. Petersburg University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
    • Dr. Sci. (Cultural Studies), Associate Professor at the Department for Sociology of Culture and Communication


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How to Cite

Tangalycheva Р. К. (2023). Feminist Wave in South Korean Women’s Cinema. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (3). https://doi.org/10.14515/monitoring.2023.3.2333

