Physical and Intellectual Labor: Confrontation or Unity?
physical labor, intellectual labor, labor content, division of labor, labor components, information society, complementarity of physical and intellectual labor, convergence of physical and mental laborAbstract
The article deals with the problem of the depreciation of physical labor in contemporary scientific literature. Physical and intellectual types of labor are often considered as socially opposite resource substitutes, the first of which is replaced by the second as an irrelevant and regressive type of economic activity under scientific and technological development. Such an approach distorts public opinion spreading a simplified view on qualitative change of labor content. The author considers physical and intellectual labor integral to any socio-historical production relations. The research aims to substantiate the physical and intellectual labor complementarity in the context of information society creation and the labor intellectualization processes. The article is methodologically based on labor sociology and labor economics. The article contains a review of scientific literature, confirming the ambiguous attitude of scientists toward physical labor. Prerequisites for such ideological and methodological problems of the social sciences as discrediting physical labor are outlined. Labor is considered a universal synthetic category in which physical, intellectual (just cognitive), communication, and non-cognitive (moral, cultural) components are distinguished. The components are realized in the unified labor process. Macrosocial factors of physical labor development in the information society are studied: the material nature of a social organization and needs satisfaction remains; new technologies have economic and social limits; physical labor is an essential element of culture and personal development. In the article, there is a conclusion about the dynamic, progressive development, and productive nature of physical labor in the information society thanks to a convergence of physical and intellectual labor.
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