The Transition Into Adulthood of Russian Millennials: On the Way From Getting an Education to Gaining Responsibility and Losing Optimism?




youth, transition to adulthood, adulthood, generation, millennials


Today youthfulness is not only an autonomous stage of life course, but a period of acquiring the competences and skills necessary for adult life. Adulthood is seen as a goal and value, the achievement of which gives a person the status of a full member of society and a «full» personality. The classical model of the transition to adulthood, which was formed in the middle of the 20th century, is becoming less and less relevant in the changed conditions of modernity. Current sociological discussion shows that achieving adulthood is also linked to socio-demographic stages, but their sequence and temporality are changing within biographies. Moreover, subjectively experienced characteristics of growing up, such as autonomy and responsibility, are becoming increasingly important.

Based on the available data from the all-Russian representative monthly surveys «Courier» and the research «Russian Generation Z: Settings and Values», the article analyses the transition to adulthood of the Russian millennials and demonstrates that for today's Russian youth, the transition to adulthood begins with education and entry into the labour market, is accompanied by an increase of responsibility, but also leads to a decrease in life satisfaction, a worsening of moods and loss of optimism.

Author Biographies

Nadezhda A. Nartova, HSE University in St. Petersburg

  • HSE Universityin St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia
    • Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Youth Studies

Alexander M. Fatekhov, HSE University in St. Petersburg

  • HSE University in St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia
    • Research Assistant, Centre for Youth Studies



How to Cite

Nartova Н. А., & Fatekhov А. М. (2021). The Transition Into Adulthood of Russian Millennials: On the Way From Getting an Education to Gaining Responsibility and Losing Optimism? . Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (4).

