Dynamics of social well-being of residents of Krasnoyarsk and its influence on results of municipal elections (2000–2013)


  • Vladimir I. ZLOTKOVSK




:social well-being, public mood, index, social well-being indices, public mood indices, mayor’s activity, Krasnoyarsk


Based on the results of the monitoring studies, the article investigates the social well-being of the Krasnoyarsk residents and its ties with the results of the municipal elections in 2000–2013. A single approach towards sample frame, single tools and formalized interview at the place of residence were used for the monitoring studies. A relationship between public mood of the voters and the level of support of candidates of the existing power was revealed: the higher they are, the more numerous the electorate of the «party in power» is, and vice versa. The public mood indicator can tell a lot; it is calculated as an average value of the composite index of social well-being and a correlation of positive and negative assessments of the mayor’ activity. The author concludes that the direct election of the head of local government makes sense. It makes municipalities to gain the trust of voters by meeting their needs and expectations. At the same time, abandoned direct election can cause delegitimization of the local power



How to Cite

ZLOTKOVSK В. И. (2014). Dynamics of social well-being of residents of Krasnoyarsk and its influence on results of municipal elections (2000–2013). Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (3), 115. https://doi.org/10.14515/monitoring.2014.3.07

