Book Review: “Genetics of Psychological Well-Being: the Role of Heritability and Genes in Positive Psychology”




positive psychology, psychological well-being, heritability, molecular genetics, psychogenetics


The review contains basic ideas and findings expressed in the Genetics of Psychological Well-Being: the Role of Heritability and Genes in Positive Psychology. The text overviews the existing achievements in studying the heritability of psychological well-being, more precisely genetic factors that determine happiness and human positive emotions. The book familiarizes the reader with the results of the studies based on psychogenic and molecular genetics methods and challenges in this area as well as perspectives for future research.

Author Biography

Alexandra A. Balova, National Research University Higher School of Economics

  • National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
    • 1st year student, Master's Degree Program “Comparative Social Research”, Faculty of Social Sciences



How to Cite

Balova А. А. (2020). Book Review: “Genetics of Psychological Well-Being: the Role of Heritability and Genes in Positive Psychology”. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (1).