Call for Abstracts for the Special Issue of the Monitoring Journal "Demographic Challenges in Russia: Unique Features or Universal Development Trends?"



The journal Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes announces a call for applications for a Special Issue "Demographic Challenges in Russia: Unique Features or Universal Development Trends?"

Guest editors of the Issue: Cand. Sci. (Econ.) Svetlana S. Biryukova (VTsIOM, HSE University), Cand. Sci. (Econ.) Vladimir A. Kozlov (HSE University), Cand. Sci. (Philos.) Konstantin I. Kazenin.


The issues of Russia's demographic development have been in the focus of national policy for several decades: the tasks of increasing the birth rate and reducing the death rate of the population are outlined in federal targeted programs. The capacities of various public policy measures in terms of their impact on demographic behavior are questionnable, and there is a lack of scientific research in this area. The assessment of the demographic policies effects is complicated by the fact that their influence is difficult to separate from the impact of the general macroeconomic dynamics and value transformations taking place in society, as well as from the consequences of external shocks — economic, political, social, epidemiological. The latter is especially relevant at the moment. The MPO Journal announces a call for applications for a Special Issue dedicated to theoretical, methodological, and empirical research in the field of demography. Check the full text of the announcement for the detailed information about the deadlines and requirements for applications.

The high differentiation of demographic indicators is also a unique feature of Russian context. An analysis of the specific features of the demographic development of Russia and its regions, as well as the identification of universal trends in this area, can form a scientific basis for the development and reasonable adoption of effective solutions in the field of demographic policy.

The aim of the Special Issue is to discuss the specifics of Russia's demographic development, the assessment of demographic policy in general and its separate measures, as well as possible ways to overcome the main demographic challenges.


The editors will consider applications regarding the following areas of research:

  • Dynamics of the birth rate, assessment of the effects of family and demographic policy measures, the relationship of the birth rate with economic growth, transformations of values, and changes in the social sphere
  • The influence of external shocks on the dynamics of the main demographic processes
  • The specifics of the development of the main demographic processes in the regions of Russia and the possibility of developing and implementing demographic policy measures, taking into account the identified features
  • International comparisons of the evolution of the main demographic processes and factors influencing their course;
  • Possibilities and limitations of using various survey methods for demographic research in Russia, including national population censuses, and problems of their reliability.


We accept studies based on quantitative or qualitative methods of sociological, demographic, and economic analysis using official statistics and population surveys. We welcome research using modern methods of statistical analysis, including modeling of socio-demographic processes. A mandatory requirement for articles is to justify the choice of the theoretical framework of the work, research methodology and data sources.

Applications for the Special Issue are accepted by email ( until July 25, 2022. Please indicate the following subject when sending the letter: “Application for a special issue — demographics”. The application must include:

  • Title of the article;
  • Brief information about the authors (position and place of work, contact email);
  • Abstract to the article of 300 to 500 words, containing the main purpose of the study and brief information about the theoretical framework of the work, research hypotheses, information about the methods used in the work and its empirical basis (data).

Applications are accepted in Russian or English.

The deadline for making decisions on applications is September 16, 2022.

The deadline for preparing full-text articles for selected applications is December 15, 2022. Full texts for selected applications are accepted through the Journal website ( and must meet the requirements for manuscripts described in the Author Guidelines section:

The planned publication date of the Special Issue is July 2023.