Editorial Team

Valery V. Fedorov
Chief Editor
Ph.D. in Political Science, Director General of the Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VCIOM), Member of ESOMAR
Denis G. Podvoyskiy
Deputy Chief Editor
Ph.D., Leading Researcher at the Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences; Associate Professor of Sociology of the Russian Peoples' Friendship University
Natalya N. Sedova
Deputy Chief Editor
General Director Assistant for Science
Yuriy Bilan
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Economics & Sociology
PhD, University of Szczecin, Faculty of Economics Science and Management
Iosif E. Diskin
Doctor of Economics, Member of the Public Chamber, Co-Chairman of the National Strategy Council, Member of the VCIOM Scientific Council
Claire Durand
WAPOR President
Professor at the Department of Sociology, University of Montreal
Moreno Alekhandro
Professor of Political Science at ITAM (since 1996). He was the Head of the Department of Public Opinion Research at REFORMA newspaper (1999-2015), and is currently Director of Public opinion Polling for EL FINANCIERO newspaper (since 2016), both in Mexico City. He is Past President of the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR). He is a member of Mexico’s National System of Researchers, and serves as Principal Investigator in Mexico for the World Values Survey (WVS) as well as Vice President for the WVSA. He is also the managing director for the Latinobarometer poll (since 2010).
Markku Jalmari Kivinen
Ph.D. in Sociology, Professor, Director of the Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki
Alberto Martinelli
Ph.D. in Sociology, Professor Emeritus of Political Science and Sociology of the University of Milan
Erik C. Nisbet
School of Communication, Department of Political Science, School of Environment & Natural Resources, and Mershon Center for International Security Studies
Papakostas Apostolis
Professor of Sociology at Södertörn University, Stockholm
Hilary Pilkington
Professor, Department of Sociology, School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester
Gevorg A. Poghosyan
Doctor of Social Sciences, Chairman of the Armenian Association of Sociologists; Corresponding Member of the Armenian National Academy of Sciences
Marat M. Tazhin
President of the Association of Sociologists of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Union of Turkic-speaking Countries Sociologists, Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Pál Tamás
Research Professor, Dr. Habil in Institute of Sociology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Zarema K. Shaukenova
Academician-Secretary of the Institute of Philosophy, Political Sciences, and Religious Studies of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Editorial board

Anna M. Almakaeva
Deputy Head at the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research
Anna M. Almakaeva
Candidate of Sciences in Theory, History and Methods of Sociology, Higher School of Economics
Evgeniy V. Balatsky
Доктор экономических наук, директор Центра макроэкономических исследований Финансового университета при Правительстве РФ, член Научно-экспертного совета ВЦИОМ
Yulia M. Baskakova
Ph.D. in Political Science, Head of VCIOM research projects
Chenxing Wang
Deputy Secretary General at the All-China Association for Studies on Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Ph.D. in Political Science, Research Fellow at the Russia-Eurasia Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Academic Secretary at the Center for Eurasian Studies, Beijing Normal University
Mikhail A. Vyadro
Mikhail A. Vyadro
Ph.D. in Political Sciences, Head of VCIOM Corporate University
Boris Z. Doktorov
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Independent Researcher and Consultant, Honorary Doctor of the Institute of Sociology (Moscow), Honorary Member of the St. Petersburg Association of Sociologists, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Social Sciences
Olga G. Isupova
Associate Professor at the Department of Demography
Olga G. Isupova
Ph.D. in Sociology, Institute of Demography, Higher School of Economics
Victor K. Levashov
Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, Head of the Institute of Social and Political Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Member of the VCIOM Expert Council
Vyacheslav V. LOKOSOV
Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, Professor, Director of the Institute of Social and Economic Studies of Population of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Stepan V. Lvov
PhD in Sociology, Head of Political Research of VCIOM
Daria V. Maltseva
Daria V. Maltseva
Candidate of Sciences in Sociology, Deputy Head of the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research
Elena A. Ostrovskaya
Elena A. Ostrovskaya
Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, Professor at the St. Petersburg State University
Nikolay P. Popov
Doctor of Sciences in History, Professor, Leading Research Fellow at the Institute for US and Canadian Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences, Member of the VCIOM Expert Council
Andrey V. Rezaev
Andrey V. Rezaev
Co-Director of the International Research Laboratory TANDEM, St. Petersburg State University
Mikhail A. Tarusin
Mikhail A. Tarusin
Head of Social Research Institute for Public Planning, Member of the VCIOM Expert Council
Alexander Yu. Chepurenko
Doctor of Economics, Head of the School of Sociology, Higher School of Economics
Oleg L. Chernozub
Head of VCIOM monitoring studies
Choi Wooik
Institute of Russian Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Yongin, Gyeonggi
Svetlana A. Shomova
Svetlana A. Shomova
Doctor of Sciences in Political Science, Professor at the School of Media, Faculty of Communications, Media, and Design, Higher School of Economics