Satisfaction of High School Students with School: Terms, Factors, Consequences




satisfaction with education, secondary school, high school students, method of indices, public activity, subjectivity


The article presents the results of two studies on the satisfaction of high school students with the conditions of schooling, which were conducted in educational organizations of the Belgorod region in 2018 and 2019. The study is based on the principle of multidimensionality and systemic, structural-functional, and personality-oriented approaches, methods of comparative and mathematical-statistical analysis. A review of Russian and foreign studies on relevant topics made it possible to determine the specifics of the sociological approach. In contrast to the psychological one, it focuses on the external environment of social interaction and social management. The authors reveal the role of the concept of satisfaction in measuring the educational system’s effectiveness. Comparison of the results of the two studies suggests the absence of positive dynamics and even a slight decrease in satisfaction. Overload of high school students, misunderstanding on the part of teachers, and noisy classroom environment have the most significant negative impact, among specific aspects — the quality of textbooks and school meals. Satisfaction is directly proportional to functional literacy, especially elements that imply subjectivity. Satisfaction correlates with active participation in school life and, to a lesser extent, academic performance. The authors emphasize that satisfaction forms not only organizational loyalty in the present but also the social potential of the organization in the future. In conclusion, the authors show how measuring satisfaction can be translated into managerial decision-making.

Author Biography

Konstantin V, Institute of Sociology FCTAS RAS

  • Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia
    • Cand. Sci. (Soc.), Associate Professor, Leading Research Fellow 



How to Cite

Kharchenko К. В. (2022). Satisfaction of High School Students with School: Terms, Factors, Consequences. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (1).

