Public Activism of Russian Citizens in Offline and Online Spaces




public activism, social activism, political activism, civic participation, political participation, social media, activity conversion , online activism , offline activism


The paper studies of the specifics of social activity of Russians in online and offline spaces. The aim of the work is to identify the relationship between social and political actions carried out by Russian citizens offline and online. The research methodology is based on network and non-behavioral approaches, as well as on the concept of social movements and political participation. The empirical basis of the work is an online survey on a quota representative sample (N = 1600). The author assesses the intensity, scale, nature, focus, factors, and effects of citizens' involvement in public activity, and also segments Russian citizens according to political attitudes of loyalty, opposition, and detachment.

The study reveals weak social consolidation and low intensity of public participation among Russian citizens; disunity prevails in readiness for joint action. In social attitudes, the population shows a pronounced detachment from political activity and a disposition to social activity. Citizens tend to unite primarily to address issues of environment, animal rights, and low living standards. More significant motives of social activity than material incentives are benefits to other people, moral duty, common cause, self-realization, influence on power holders, communication with people, and the acquisition of useful skills. In public online activity, clicktivist forms prevail, and offline citizens tend to participate in actions to solve emerging problems on the basis of self-organization. The passive behavior of the majority of citizens hinders the conversion of public activity from online to offline space.

The revealed correlations show the presence of a connection between online and offline preferences when choosing subjects of interaction for the implementation of civic initiatives. The intensity of the use of digital communication channels for the implementation of public activity is associated with the frequency of participation in offline activities aimed at solving social and political problems. The internal attitude of citizens to the implementation of public initiatives predetermines the active use of online communications for more effective offline actions. A significant correlation was found between the social and political activity of citizens. At the same time, the frequency of information messages nudging to action has little effect on the public activity of citizens.

Acknowledgements. The article was prepared based on the results of research carried out at the expense of budgetary funds at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Author Biography

Roman V. Parma, Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

  • Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
    • Cand. Sci. (Polit.), Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science and Mass Communications



How to Cite

Parma Р. В. (2021). Public Activism of Russian Citizens in Offline and Online Spaces. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes, (6).



Civic activism